Age of Sigmar - Grombrindal, The White Dwarf
The man himself, the white dwarf of the titular White Dwarf magazine. In this article I experiment with a few painting techniques and practice non-metallic metal to really make this dwarf pop.
Warcry - Rotmire Creed
Diseased swamp dwellers the Rotmire Creed make for an exciting painting project, especially when taking the time to make them some proper swampy bases.
Age of Sigmar - Putrid Blightkings Rebirth
This week I took a second pass at the Putrid Blightkings that I painted a few years ago. I wasn't all too happy with how they turned out so a few quick fixes got them looking the bee's knees.
Age of Sigmar - Mibyllorr Darkfang, Chaos Sorcerer Lord
Chaos Sorcerer Lord Mibyllorr Darkfang and her retinue of familiars might seem like a daunting task but in this article we break it down into simple steps.
Warhammer Underworlds - The Crimson Court
This quartet of vampires have come to Warhammer Underworlds to drink blood and chew bubble gum. And they’re all out of blood.
Age of Sigmar - Deadwalker Zombies
Twenty zombies might seem like a lot but with some simple speed painting techniques you can have a shambling horde in no time.
Age of Sigmar - Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion
Vampires need not be drab and dreary. In this article I give Anasta Malkorion a bright and punchy colour scheme to make her really stand out.
Warhammer Underworlds - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt
Skaeth’s Wild Hunt is one of the two warbands in the Beastgrave starter set. In this article we use oil washes to really make these hunters pop in your games of Warhammer Underworlds.
Warhammer Underworlds - Grashrak's Despoilers
Grashrak’s Despoilers are one of the starter warbands included in the Warhammer Underworlds Beastgrave box. See in this article how I used oil washes to make the most of these broody Beastmen.
Warhammer Underworlds - The Wurmspat
The Wurmspat are Nurgle’s chosen warband in Warhammer Underworlds. A trio of disgusting malcontents lead by the foul sorcerer Fecula Flyblown.
Age of Sigmar - Putrid Blightkings painting
The fleshy Putrid Blightkings are a lot of fun to paint, all that skin is a great excuse to go crazy with flesh colours. And the armour plates that they do have are fun way to practice weathering techniques.
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Skulls 2022
Warhammer Skulls is a week long event showing off the latest and upcoming Warhammer video games. Let’s see what previews and updates we have on Day One.
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 2
Day two of Warhammer Fest is all about Age of Sigmar. Skaven and Sylvaneth get some top notch reveals, and for once there isn’t a Stormcast Eternal in sight!
Warhammer Twitch Preview - Adepticon 2022
AdpetiCon brings us a massive roundup on newly revealed miniatures from Games Workshop. With Necromunda, Warhammer 40,000 and Age Sigmar reveals, there’s something for everyone.
Warhammer Twitch Preview - Las Vegas Open 2022
The first Twitch of the year preview has a plethora of models revealed. From Age of Sigmar to Necromunda to The Horus Heresy, just about everyone get’s something.
Warhammer Twtich Previews - Warhammer Day 2021
Warhammer Day is here! What goodies will Games Workshop have in store for us? More models no doubt.
Age of Sigmar - Feculent Gnarlmaw
A disgusting daemon-possessed tree certainly makes for an awesome piece of terrain, but they can also be really simple to paint; especially with all the lovely texture they have.
Age of Sigmar - Azyrite Ruined Chapel
The Azyrite Ruined Chapel is a great and with a simple paint scheme it can really shine on the battlefield. In this article we also look at how to mix your own washes, no more relying on pots of Nuln Oil!