Warhammer Twtich Previews - Warhammer Day 2021

Warhammer Day is here! What is Warhammer Day? It’s a made-up holiday invented by Games Workshop to sell more Space Marines. Either way, it’s an excuse for them to make a big song and dance about it and tease some new models. So let’s dive right in. 

Warhammer 40,000 - Shadow Throne

Straight out of the gate we have a new boxset coming up that pits the Genestealer Cults against the Adeptus Custodes. The latter side also looks to include Sisters of Silence, which bodes well for them being included in the new Codex. As is tradition, the box includes two new models for each side. It’s not clear if these are two new special characters or two new units that happen to be named for this box. For the Custodes they will be getting the Blade Champion Aristothes Carvellan, who as the name might suggest is quite handy with a sword. In a departure from most other Custodes weapons, his sword doesn’t seem to have a built in gun. He also looks less armoured than most Custodes, sporting leather greaves rather than auramite. In any case, a really nice model and one that I will probably pick up should he ever become available separately. 

For the Genestealer Cults meanwhile we have Mersea Thrayk, a Reductus Saboteur. A demolitions expert it seems, given that she has all three hands on either an explosive or a detonator. I really like the disconnect between her two alien arms and her human one. Also, good on Games Workshop for taking the opportunity to make a female character. Again, not sure if she is a Special Character or just a named character but diversity is welcome all the same. 

If the Shadow Throne had the Custodes jetbikes instead of the Allarus Custodians then I’d be all over it, as all the models would be new for me. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting some Sisters of Silence and starting a Genestealer army as it is. 

Age of Sigmar - Maggotkin of Nurgle

The new sorcerer for the Maggotkin looks disgustingly awesome. I love the fly mutations, I know some people hate them, but I use them any chance I can get for my Blightkings and Death Guard. Will absolutely be picking this guy up at some point! At this rate, I may have a real Blightkings army on my hands soon.

Bloodbowl - Dungeonbowl

I can’t say that I’ve ever been intrigued by Bloodbowl, but I do like dungeon crawling. It does seem to be more than just Bloodbowl on a different map as players need to find the ball hidden somewhere in the dungeon first. If it’s grid based, like Aeronautica is, then I might have to take a closer look. It also seems that  Dungeonbwl is going to have it’s own set of teams, which makes sense otherwise how else will Games Workshop sell us more plastic? Said teams also look to be a mix of races rather than having a Skaven team, or a Dwarf team. 

Warcry - Red Harvest

The premise of Warcry as always intrigued me, groups of Chaos cultists beating the snot out of each other for more favour and presumably more spikes for their armour. And whilst Games Workshop has used the opportunity to explore other facets of Chaos rather than the usual four flavours, I’ve never been tempted by any of the warbands in the same way that I am about Warhammer Underworlds warbands.

And that has not changed. Don’t get me wrong, the models in the Red Harvest box look absolutely gorgeous. But they lack a certain something that makes me want them. Which is fine I suppose, I give Games Workshop more than enough money for their other game systems so there’s no harm in missing out on Warcry. 

Unless they do a Nurglite warband. Because I will be all over that like a rash on a Poxwalker. 

Warhammer Underworlds - Blackpowder’s Buccaneers

Games Workshop sure hasn’t messed about pumping out warbands for their new season of Warhammer Underworlds. Has Harrowdeep even hit the shelves yet? 

Regardless, the concept of an ogre pirate with a goblin crew is frankly hilarious. I have to say that a pirate with an oversized gun being called Blackpowder is a little on the nose but there we go. With the rest of the warband being filled out by a monkey (armed with a knife no less) and a parrot Games Workshop are certainly trying to hit as many of those pirate tropes as they can. In fact I’m surprised that Blackpowder doesn’t have a hook and peg-leg to be honest. 

I’m keen to see what other warbands they come up with, the Warhammer Underworlds ones always seem to intrigue me. Plus, it’s a reminder that I need to get painting Grashrak’s Ravagers and The Wurmspat. 

The Horus Heresy - The Warhawk

The last primarch is here! Well sort of. I’m fairly sure that there are rules for Jaghatai Khan on jetbike, so I imagine that we will see that one day? In any case, the model on foot is stunning. The amount of ornamentation on this guy might put Fulgrim to shame. I can definitely see some avid painter giving him the non-metallic metal treatment, I bet that’d look great in contrast to his white armour. 

I’m not sure if the dead marine on his base is sculpted to be a Death Guard or the painting team have just painted him that way as the White Scars are primarily fighting against the Death Guard during the Siege of Terra. However if it is the former, and I know this is a really fussy thing to have issue with, then the corpse should be much more diseased as by the time of the Siege the Death Guard had pledged themselves to Nurgle. 


All Games Workshop streams end on a tease and this one is no different. Although I can’t see why they bothered. I’m writing this a few days after the stream and the Christmas tease has already been revealed as a new Red Gobbo model. Seriously, the stream went live on the Saturday and they showed off the Red Gobbo on the Monday! I’ll probably look to grab this guy as I missed out on the one last year.


Myth Forged - Vampire Soldier


Warhammer 40,000 - Noctilith Crown