Zombicide Invader - Civilian Extras Part IV
Having tested slapchop it was time to get down to business working on the rest of the miniatures in the Civilian Extras box. Whilst I did get all the remaining Survivors in the Civilian Extras box done all at once, I have split them down into groups of five or six otherwise this article would be the length of a novel.
In my initial test linked above, I used a black primer that I then zenithal highlighted with grey and drybrushed with white. This left the models looking very dark, in particular the shadows that were pure black. Which in turn left a number of the lighter contrast paints effectively useless as they had no chance of showing up over the darker base colours. It’s for this reason that for the remaining Civilian Extras Survivors that I switched to using Colour Forge Standard Grey as a primer, a dark grey that’s equivalent to Citadel’s Mechanicus Standard Grey.
Before that step however, I cracked out the slate bits and the super glue, and set to glueing down one or two rocks to each of the bases. With that done, I could then prime them with Colour Forge Standard Grey as mentioned above. Each model was then given a zenithal highlight through the airbrush of Vallejo Cold Grey. Finally, each model got a heavy drybrush of Ceramite White. With the stage set, I grabbed my contrast paints and speedpaints, and dived into the first batch.
Said first batch I arbitrarily decided to be the most obvious film and television references. Without further ado, we have:
Richard Kindred
Unashamedly Harrison Ford’s character of Rick Deckard from Blade Runner. The name may also be a reference to Ford’s character Richard Kimble from The Fugitive.
I was immediately thankful for changing the colour of the primer as I was able to paint his shirt with Skeleton Horde. His trousers I painted with Speedpaint Runic Grey, the patches and boots I picked out with Gore-Grunta Fur. The coat I painted with Cygor Brown, which worked nicely with the slight brown tones of his shirt. The epaulettes on his shoulder I painted with Iyanden Yellow, my current stand in for gold. Finishing off the model, I painted his face and hands with Guilliman Flesh and his hair with Black Templar.
Trooper 19-82 “Squirrelly”
If Richard Kindred is Deckard then Squirrelly is absolutely Roy Batty as played by the late Rutger Hauer. Trooper 19-82 being a reference to Blade Runner being released in 1982. Not too sure where the nickname Squirrelly comes from though.
Fittingly, a lot of Squirrelly was painted in the same way that Richard Kindred was. Both their trousers I painted with Speedpaint Runic Grey, the patches with Gore-Grunta Fur, his coat with Cygor Brown and the shoulder pads with Iyanden Yellow. For the rest of the details I painted his shirt with Speedpaint Desolate Brown and his skin with Guilliman Flesh. I left his hair “unpainted” to match the white hair that he has in the artwork.
Trooper 20-19 “Pink”
The white face and bright pink hair also make it real hard to get a decent photo…
The developers must have been massive fans of Blade Runner as Pink is Pris, her name being a reference to the year in which Blade Runner takes place.
I started by painting all the skin except the face with Guilliman Flesh, the face I actually painted with a little more Ceramite White. Her top I painted with Scale75 Instant Colour Arcane Purple, a nice muted purple that didn’t stand out too much. Her coat I painted with Black Templar, her trousers with Creed Camo and the patches with Speedpaint Desolate Brown. Her belt I painted with Cygor Brown. The doll’s head on her belt I painted with Guilliman Flesh for the face and Skeleton Horde for the hair.
Katie Benedict
Battlestar Galactica’s Kara "Starbuck" Thrace without a doubt, the model is even a dead ringer for the (current) picture on their wikipedia page. The character name comes from a combination of the two actors that have portrayed them; Katee Sackhoff in the 2004 series and Dirk Benedict in the 1978 series.
As with many others in this group I started by painting her skin with a coat of Guilliman Flesh. Her top I painted with Speedpaint Runic Grey, and her trousers with Creed Camo. The patches on the trousers I painted with Desolate Brown and the belts with Gore-Grunta Fur. I finished the model off by painting her boots with Cygor Brown, her gloves with Black Templar and her hair with Skeleton Horde.
Preacher Karl
Almost certainly a nod to Judge Dredd as portrayed by Karl Urban. Not sure about Preacher though.
I started by painting his mouth and chin with Guilliman Flesh. I then got most of the model done by painting his coat and trousers with Black Templar. His visor I painted with Speedpaint Raging Sea, and his various belts and pouches with Gore-Grunta Fur. As a homage to old school Adeptus Arbites (which are also based off Judge Dredd) I painted the patches on his uniform with Iyanden Yellow. Lastly I painted his armour and backpack with Basilicanum Grey.
Final details and bases
Once all the details were done I painted all the weapons with Basilicanum Grey and drybrushed them with Necron Compound. Made sense to get them all done at once.
Moving onto the bases, I covered the exposed areas with Vallejo Red Oxide texture paste and once that was dry I painted the rocks with Vallejo Fire Red. I then washed the bases with my homebrew Reikland Fleshshade as I had quite a few to do, the recipe for which is in my Zombicide Invader Xenos article. Once that was dry I then drybrushed the bases with Kindleflame making sure to get some on the boots of the models to simulate dust. Lastly I painted the rims of the bases with a matt black.
And with that they were done and I could move onto the next batch of Survivors.