Warhammer Twitch Preview - Lords of the Mortal Realms
Lumineth Realm-Lords
Image courtesy of https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
Looking very clean and all having a signature look of superiority. I don’t play Age of Sigmar (yet), much less have an interest in rebranded high elves. But these are some pretty sweet looking sculpts, especially the Vanari Bladelords. They look like poetry in motion. The Vanari Starshard Ballistas looks pretty cool as well, not sure what the garden lights are for though. The Shrine Luminor looks awesome, it’s a shame that such great looking terrain doesn’t really have a place in my collection. As a mostly 40K player all my terrain is pretty grim dark. And finally there’s all the heroes, I didn’t catch the names unfortunately but are some really nice looking sculpts. The one that stood out to me was the twins Ellania and Ellathor, two models on the same base have some really dynamic poses.
Image courtesy of https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
Next up is a Nighthaunt hero, the Krulghast Cruciator. Yeah no idea how to pronounce that. Apparently he is powered by agony. Which is odd because he looks a lot of fun to paint with all those blends.
Image courtesy of https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
Seems like Stormcast releases are like Space Marine releases, they’re just endless. This particular guy is Gardus Steel Soul rocking a pretty sweet superhero landing pose. I’m not sure of the lore of this guy but I’m guessing he is a certified badass.
Wight King on skeletal steed. Super detailed miniature, it looks like old school artwork come to life. This would make for a fantastic painting project. Games Workshop have really been knocking it out of the park in recent years.
Image courtesy of https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
Hedkrakka’s Madmob, a Bonesplitters warband for Warhammer Underworlds Direchasm. Half naked orcs that look like they’re having the time of their life cracking skulls. The large amount of exposed flesh would make for a really fun painting session, if I get into Warhammer Underworlds maybe I’ll have to pick these guys up. The archer definitely needs an actual string for his bow however.
Speaking of getting into Warhammer Underworlds, looks like Games Workshop have that covered for me with a new Two-player Start set. Contains two complete warbands: Storm of Celestus and Drepur’s Wraithcreepers. Supposedly cheaper than the existing starting boxes, I would be fairly tempted if I wanted either of the warbands. But man, Stormcast Eternals really don’t do it for me. I have enough Space Marines as it is.
Image courtesy of https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
I may have to get this, I’m really enjoying Blackstone Fortress; even if I’ve not completed the main quest yet, let alone the expansions. I’d best get a wiggle on then and get them done before Cursed City drops. All the eight heroes look super cool, especially Qulathis the Exile and Emelda Braskov, as she has a big ol’ broadsword.
For the hostiles, the rat swarms look great and some of them missing the skin on their heads really sells it. The bat swarms will be an interesting challenge to paint as bats are petty uniformly black I think. New deadwalker models look awesome as well, much better than the stick figures that are currently on offer. I’d be tempted to get Cursed City for these guys alone to use as Poxwalker proxies. Skeleton guard, Ulfenwatch I think they’re called, are also really cool. All of the tattered fabric gives them a sense of motion that would be lost if they were just skeletons in rusted armour. Now the Kosargi Nightguard ain’t your grand pappy’s undead, these are undead ogres! I expect these guys to pack a punch and be a real pain to take down. The Vyrkos Blood-born are some really nice sculpts, bounding or hanging off bits of terrain. I’m guessing these feral vampires will be fast moving and hard hitting against the heroes.
Image courtesy of https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
Watch Captain Halgrim is the boss of the Ulfenwatch, I like that he has an eye patch even though his other eye is an empty socket. Gorslav the Gatekeeper has a shovel that any Deathcorps of Kreig would be proud of, fitting for the guy that has been digging up all the Deadwalkers. Vargskyr is apparently what happens when the “soulblight” takes over your body, you turn into a giant bat-wolf creature. The actual big bad bosses are Torgillius the Chamberlain and Radukar the Wolf. The former can see through the eyes of all the creatures in the city and the latter is a damned vampire ogre with two massive wolf pelts on his shoulders. This guy sounds like a real threat.
There is also a tie-in novel by C L Werner that contains rules for a ninth hero, probably a Stormcast Eternal.
New daemon prince model teased at the end, sounds like he is a special character of some kind. The first prince? I’m not familiar enough with Age of Sigmar or Warhammer Fantasy lore to know who it is.