Village Attacks - Town Heroes


Emboldened by how easy it was to get the Executioner painted I wasted no time in wanting to get the remaining Town Heroes in the Village Attacks core box completed. I felt confident that I could smash them out in no time. 

The first thing I did was to pick out areas for the heroes’ corresponding colour. And first up on my hit list was the Gravedigger. As he gets a damage bonus against green type monsters I painted his coat and hat with Vulkan Green, I chose a darker green so he didn’t end up looking too much like The Riddler. The Bounty Hunter appears to be wearing a bodysuit so it was quick work to get it base coated in Vallejo Night Blue. The armour plates I base coated with Balthasar Gold, I decided on bronze as I felt that silver would look too cold. Plus it would then help the various doodads that she has strapped to herself to stand out a bit more.  And that was the Bounty Hunter  basically 90% done! For the Skald, I painted his tunic with Vallejo Scarlett Red. Additionally, I base coated all the skin with Kislev Flesh as it’s paler than my usual choice of Cadian Fleshtone that I would use for the other heroes. And finally for the Alchemist I painted her great coat with Xereus Purple. 

WIth the colourful parts done I broke a selection of mainly browns to fill out the remaining details, such as trousers, leather straps, hair, etc. I used Skeleton Bone, Zandri Dust, Steel Legion Drab, and Mournfang Brown. Any exposed skin was painted with Cadian Fleshtone and their boots were painted with Corvus Black. The metallic parts I picked out with Leadbelcher. Once everything was base coated I could start on the washes. Any flesh and gold got a wash of Reikland Fleshshade, any browns and leathers were washed with Army Painter Strong Tone; then the metallics and anything that hadn’t yet been washed got a coating of Nuln Oil. For the Gravedigger, I used some Wyldwood contrast paint on the wooden parts such as the coffin on his back, and some Basilicanum Grey on the chains to give them a nice dark metal feel. 

With the washes done and dry I broke out the wet palette to make a start on the layering. I started with the hero's main colour, for example layering Vulkan Green on the Gravedigger’s coat. Next I started to use some lighter colours, so for example I mixed a Macragge Blue with Night Blue in a one-to-one ratio for the highlights on the Bounty Hunter. In fact for the Bounty Hunter, as the suit is so dark I ended up using pure Macragge Blue as a highlight in order to get some definition onto the model. The rest of them were fine though, I used some Warboss Green for the Gravedigger’s coat, some Mephiston Red for the Skald’s tunic and for the highlights on the Alchemist’s coat I mixed Xereus Purple with Matt White. For the black boots, I did some quick highlights with Mechanicus Standard Grey to help the edges stand out a bit more. The various vials and flasks on the Alchemist’s backpack I base coated with Corvus Black before picking out some random colours to represent the liquids in each. A thin coat of gloss varnish then helped make said vials and flasks appear to be glass. Finally, I layered some Kislev Flesh on the Skald’s muscles so he didn't look quite so sunburnt.  

For the bases, I started with Stirland Mud for the Alchemist, Gravedigger and Bounty Hunter. Additionally, I used an old brush to dab a bit of mud onto the end of the Gravedigger’s shovel. For the Alchemist and Bounty Hunter I washed their bases with Strong Tone and for the Gravedigger I used Creed Camo contrast paint. Once they were dry I gave all three a dry brush with Tyrant Skull. All that was left to do was to dab on some PVA glue and stick done some tufts and static grass. For the Skald, I coated his base in Astrogranite as I wanted to go with a rocky and snowy base for him. I then washed it with some Basilicanum Grey to bring out the texture, and finally drybrushed the base with Fenrisian Grey. For the snow, I used some Valhallan Blizzard that, once dry, I washed with some Apothecary White contrast paint to make it look like wet slushy ice. 


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