Gloomhaven - "Eclipse" class unlock

The latest round of unlocks are coming thick and fast, but then I suppose we are playing a lot of Gloomhaven. We’re at least trying to get the main campaign done by the time that Frosthaven arrives. It might be a ways off yet but ideally we want to complete the Forgotten Circles expansions as well.

Eclipse is the Aesther Nightshroud, which seems at first glance to be somewhat like the Scoundrel. They have greater elemental affinity than the Scoundrel and more utility with Invisible it seems. 

I toyed with the idea of priming them with black instead of my usual grey but as I was going to paint them with darker colours and wash them with Nuln Oil I was worried that it would end up being too dark. 

To be honest, I needn't have worried as this turned out to be a super simple paint job. I started by painting his chainmail tunic and the armour pads on his elbows and knees with Leadbelcher. I then gave these areas a coat of Black Templar contrast paint, which made it a nice black metal colour. I also painted his sword with Leadbelcher but I didn’t use Black Templar on that. 

For the clothing, I painted his leggings with a couple of thin coats of Vallejo Night Blue, which seemed rather appropriate. His chaps I painted with a mix of Xereus Purple and Corvus Black in a two-to-one ratio, which produced a nice dark almost burgundy purple that was perfect for the Nightshroud. I then used pure Corvus Black on any leather gear he has and also on the sword handles and scabbards. These areas I then washed with Nuln Oil. 

For his face, I mixed some Xereus Purple with Squid Pink in equal measure, I felt this captured the extra-dimensional nature of Aesthers whilst not being too bright. After a few coats to build up the colour I then washed the face with Reikland Fleshshade. For the flames that he’s holding in hand I basecoated them with Thousands Sons Blue before giving it a wash with Talassar Blue contrast paint. Once that was dry I drybrushed it with Temple Guard Blue. 

The last thing that needed doing was the base. This was done in the same way that I have for all the other Gloomhaven miniatures. Stirland Mud texture paint, followed by an Army Painter Strong Tone and finished with a drybrushing of Tyrant Skull. I painted the rim and stuck down a grass tuft. 

And with that Eclipse is done. Short and sweet really, but it’s a fairly uncomplicated model compared to the others that I have painted recently. Honestly, it’s probably the weakest of the Gloomhaven miniatures that I’ve seen so far, the model bears almost no resemblance to the artwork. But, it’s another boardgame miniature completed. Slow but steady progress. 

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 699

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 67


Zombicide Invader - Xenos


Gloomhaven - "Music Note" class unlock