Zombicide Invader - Black Ops
Having painted a bunch of single characters for Frosthaven, I wanted to cleanse my palette a little by doing a bit of batch painting. So I figured I’d break out the Black Ops expansion for Zombicide Invader and get them all done in one fell swoop. Well, except the Xenos which I should have painted as part of the massive group last year. But alas I did not.
With that in mind, I stuck some rocks down to the base and primed all the soldiers black. I decided to keep the paint scheme extremely simple and started by basecoating the armour with Scale75 Black Metal and their weapons with Scale75 Thrash Metal. The outside of their coats I painted with Corvus Black and the interiors with Vallejo Scarlet Red. To add some variety to the armour I painted buckles and badges with Scale75 Dwarven Gold, and then picked out a few random bits of armour with Mephiston Red. The belts and any pouches I painted with Rhinox Hide. I kept the scheme roughly similar for the bots, painting the armour with Scale75 Black Metal and Mephiston Red. Then painting the joints and weapons with Scale75 Thrash Metal.
With all the common features done I could move onto the individual details for each of the characters. For the skin tones, I painted Solomon with Vallejo Dark Fleshtone and Kyle with Ungor Flesh; everyone else’s skin I painted with Cadian Fleshtone. Jean’s goggles and Fiona’s hood I painted with Rhinox Hide. Andrei’s hair I painted with Corvus Black. Jean’s blond hair I painted with Vallejo Khaki and Maria’s white hair I painted with Vallejo Pale Sand. Kyle’s mohawk I painted with Vallejo Scarlet Red and the ammo box on his back I painted with Vulkan Green. And with that done, I gave everyone a wash of Nuln Oil. The final step was then to pick out the various lenses with Evil Sunz Scarlet.
The bases I painted in the same way I had done with other Zombicide Invader miniatures. I basecoated the rocks with Vallejo Fire Red, then slapped on some Vallejo Red Oxide paste over the rest of the base. Once that had fully cured I washed it with Reikland Fleshshade, and once that was dry I drybrushed the bases with Kindle Flame. The very last thing I needed to do was to paint the rims of the bases with Matt Black.
Overall, not the most detailed paint jobs but they’re good enough for the tabletop and I got them done in no time at all. The only other thing to note is that I somehow missed the Juggernaut Abomination out when I did that massive batch of Zombicide Invader Xenos last year. Not the end of the world as the painting process for the Xenos was designed from the get go to be quick and easy. So I should be able to get him done in an afternoon.