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Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2021 Day 1

First day of Warhammer Fest kicks off with a glut of Vampires! Or Soulblight Gravelords as they’re known nowadays. 

  • Vengorian Lord, half vampire and half night fuel. They’re like a bat form of a centaur although I’m not sure how I feel about them having six limbs, which makes them feel a bit insectoid. Nevertheless the individual halves are well sculpted and I can see a lot of people using bits from the kit for other vampire models.

  • Radukar the Beast. Final form of Radukar the Wolf from Cursed City, turns out that getting killed by a bunch of uppity adventurers makes you jacked. I especially like the two minions that he has on his base, really helps to give you a sense of just how big this guy is.  

  • Dire wolves. Zombie dogs! Nuff said really, a pack of wolves in various states of decay, they look awesome. 

  • Belladama Volga First of the Vyrkos, same bloodline as Radukar. Half wolf lady riding a wolf, accompanied by another wolf. She would feel right at home in a Space Wolves army...

New mobile game set in the mortal realms, Soul Arena. Autobattler, not sure I feel about that. Lost Crusade is more than enough for me for the time being. Plus it sounds like a PvP game, which is not my jam really. 

Kragnos is coming! And he sounds angry! Fitting for someone supposedly the god of earthquakes and also a giant centaur. The newly revealed miniature looks massive, and a great painting project. Even the wife raised an eyebrow. The new book also brings two new Slaanesh daemon characters, the Voice of Slaanesh and the Talon of Slaanesh. The Sylvaneth will also get a new model in the form of warsong revenant, who rolls about with a big flute playing the song of his people. Still no actual wood elf models for them it seems! Lord Kroak is getting a new model, which is fitting as he is the poor fool that imprisoned Kragnos. Naturally, the humans are getting involved as well, so they will be getting a father and daughter team of witch hunters who roll about capturing endless spells. 

Overall, some nice looking models were revealed today! Personally, I am waiting on the big Soulblight Gravelords drop so that I can pick up a box of the new Deadwalker Zombies models to proxy as Poxwalkers. 

So that was my quick update guys, I’ll see you tomorrow for Warhammer Fest Day 2 which is all about Warhammer 40,000! I wonder how many new Primaris models we shall see?