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Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 3

Warhammer Fest day three is all about specialist games, although I think we have a whole day of Horus Heresy tomorrow. So let’s get into it.

Kill Team

Another week, another Kill Team box: Moroch. Games Workshop is really cranking them out. And in established fashion the box consists of a brand new kit and one team that is an existing kit with an upgrade sprue. Although this time round the new kit might be more recycled than new. But more on that in a moment. 

One of the teams is Space Marines, but let’s be honest this will only be the first team that Space Marines. This particular team is the Phobos Strike Team consisting of six Primaris lads in Phobos armour. Five of them will come from a Incusor/Infiltrator sprue and one will come from an upgrade sprue. They look alright, I was never the biggest lover of Phobos armour; it looks a bit too “tacticool” for my liking. 

The second team in the box is Traitor Guard. And it’s a rather large team as well, ten Traitor Guardsmen, a Traitor Enforcer (aka Commissar) and a Traitor Ogryn. The last two being the exact same kit from the Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress expansion: Traitor Command. The same one that my wife managed to secure for me at fairly great expense. To be clear, I have no issue with this: it’s a great kit and I had a lot of fun painting it. My issue is with the Traitor Guardsmen. They don’t just look like the Traitor Guardsmen from Blackstone Fortress, in the same way that the cultists previewed on day one look like the Servants of the Abyss also from Blackstone Fortress, these guys look like someone has loaded up the files for the guys from Blackstone Fortress, made a few changes and called it a day. It won’t be so noticeable if some of them didn’t have the exact same pose. I honestly don’t know how to feel about this. One the hand Traitor Guard getting some love is great but there are a lot of “reused assets” here. 

Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Next up is some Beornings for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Now I’ll be the first to admit that I know very little about this game. I'm obviously familiar with the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, but I don’t know how much this game ties into the books. 

The Beornings are led by Grimbeorn, who is the son of Beorn. And I thought Space Wolves were bad with all the wolf wolf wolf! Anyway, Beorn is the guy that the Dwarves and Bilbo meet who can turn, as his name might suggest, into a bear. His son naturally shares this ability so Grimbeorn has two miniatures: one for his human form and one for his bear form. Accompanying Grimbeorn are the three Beornings, not skin-changers like Grimbeorn but fearsome warriors in their own right.  Ready to defend their homes with bow or axe, these look like they’ll make short work of any invader.


More Squats! This time in the form of a Prospectors gang for Necromunda.You’d have thought they would release these along with the Ashwaste Nomads that got their release mere weeks ago, but there we go. In any case, these guys look like some fun loving space dwarves, albeit with less tech than the Leagues of Votann previews. Which I suppose makes sense, the Prospectors will only have access to whatever tech Necromunda has (unless you’re House Van Sarr) whilst the Leagues will have access to all the technology of the Squat race. 

As I have said before, I wasn’t into Warhammer when the Squats got squatted so I can’t say I’m in a mad rush to get these. But once the Leagues of Votann are released I can see Squat players picking up a box of these for variety. Or vice versa I suppose. 


The final reveal of the day comes for the skirmish game Warcy. It seems that the game is expanding, up until Warcry has pretty much been a game about various Chaos warbands vying for the attention of Archaon. And the teaser today hints that skirmishes will be taking place elsewhere. What does this mean for the game? New scenery and more warbands most likely. 

Warbands such as the Horns of Hashut, who are the mortal followers of the god Hashut. A quick Google shows that Hashut was the patron deity of the Chaos Dwarves back in Warhammer Fantasy. What this means for Age of Sigmar is anyone’s guess. Either way, the Horns of Hashut are a human warband with fancy hats that go around picking fights with other people. These guys and girls do look great though, it’s a shame I never really got into Warcry. Probably because there’s no Nurglite warband. 

In keeping with Warcry’s upcoming new locale being Ghur (the realm of beasts) they have also revealed the Cenaurion Marshal. With four arms and four hooves, this guy looks ready to stomp anything that gets too close into the ground.