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Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 1

It’s that time of year again baby! It’s Warhammer Fest time again! Last year showed off some fantastic models for just about every game that Games Workshop produces. So without further adieu let’s see what’s in store for Warhammer 40,000 this year:

Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Space Marines have steadily been getting some really nice models over the last year or so. But it seems that Games Workshop has a lot more to give with the upcoming Codex. 

  • Possessed. These guys were in dire need of a refresh, the existing models are far too old and the Greater Possessed were never given a separate release outside of the Start Collecting set that they come in. In any case, these new models are looking the bees’ knees. Not just some Chaos Space Marines with a few more spikes, these guys definitely look like they have been corrupted by the warp. Some of them are more flesh than power armour where their mutations have bulked them up even beyond the size of a regular Astartes. 

  • Accursed Cultists. With the rank and file Chaos Marines recently having been given an update (two in fact, with the Kill Team from Nachmund), it’s nice that the Heretics’ mortal allies have also been given some love. I love the variation that they have and that they would match perfectly with the Cultists of the Abyss from Blackstone Fortress. 

  • Mutants. Seems that it’s not only Chaos Space Marines that can drink a little too deep from the cup of the Warp, their cultists can drink just as deep and look just as terrifying. The mutations are suitably otherworldly without ruining the aesthetic, by that I mean that you can tell they used to be the same Accursed Cultists from above. 

  • Torments. Ah, now these are the guys that have drunk too deep. They certainly look tormented. In fact some don’t even look human anymore. Indeed one of then looks more like a generic chaos beast trying to wear human skin as clothing. Definitely getting vibes of John Carter’s The Thing here, mixed with a little bit of Edgar the bug from Men in Black. 

  • Dark Commune. These guys being an HQ choice means that you can field a legit cultist army. Looks like Games Workshop might also be returning to the mixed unit Command Squads of old. Back in the day, your Space Marine Command Squad was a single Force Organisation slot that could have things like an Apothecary or Standard Bearer in it. Now of course, they are all separate choices. In this case, we have our cultists being lead by the Cult Demagogue, and the rest of his squad is filled out with a Mindwitch, Iconrach and two Blessed Blades. The Mindwitch is my definite favourite, as it’s just a guy carrying around the disembodied head of a rogue psyker. 

Leagues of Votann

Squats are getting a hover trike! Now, Squats got squatted before I got my start in Warhammer so I can’t say that I’m super excited for the upcoming Leagues of Votann release. However, not to say that it isn’t a cool looking model. It’s more sleek than the standard boxy Imperial vehicles but not as sleek as say the Aeldari or Tau vehicles. Either way, I’m keen to see what else the Squats will be getting even if they aren’t on my wishlist just yet. 

Chapter Approved

Not much to talk about here, it’s a new Chapter Approved book in a new warzone. Command Points are getting a rework. You start with less Command Points but generate more each turn. The other big news is that this book doesn’t contain any points changes, those will be released for free. It’s surprising to me that they weren’t already, why would they put tournament rules behind a paywall? And honestly, any point changes will immediately be leaked onto the internet anyway. 

World Eaters

Another release that’s been a long time coming, even if there isn’t much to show just yet. Chaos players have desperately needed new Khorne Berserkers models for a while. In fact, a lot of players will use the Blades of Khorne from Age of Sigmar and/or the Corpse Grinder Cult from Necromunda. 

Not to mention it’s about damned time the World Eaters got their own Codex as the Death Guard and Thousand Sons do. Hopefully one day we’ll see a Codex for the Emperor’s Children along with a new set of Slaaneshi Marines models. 

Angels of Death - Origins

Surprising to see a Warhammer+ announcement on the Warhammer 40,000 day but there we go. I really enjoyed the Angels of Death Series, it wasn’t perfect but it was a lot of fun, you can read my review of it here. The trailer hints at seeing some backstory for Livia, the Shipmistress of the Sword of Baal, which suits me down to the ground as she was my favourite character of the series. The way it is worded, it seems to suggest we’ll be getting Angels of Death Origins and Angels of Death Season 2. Bring it on I say. 

Daemon Prince

Last but not least there’s going to be a new Daemon Prince model, with perhaps more options in the kit than you could ever want by the sounds of it. At the very least there’s multiple head options, including one each for the four Chaos gods. And most fittingly, he looks like an extreme version of the Possessed we saw earlier, which I suppose makes sense. Very much looking forward to this, let’s just hope that the options to make him look like a Nurgle Daemon Prince go a bit beyond just a head swap. 

Final Thoughts

What a riot of a first day! I’m honestly in awe of just how much they have unveiled here. Sure some of it, like the World Eaters, was more an announcement than any actual models. To be honest, I’m most excited for the cultists. Oh yes, I have some big plans for them. I may just have to pick up another box of the Servants of the Abyss just to tide me over.