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Warhammer Twitch Preview - Faith and Damnation

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Age of Sigmar

Vampire Counts aka Soulblight Gravelords. To be released shortly after Cursed City and it looks like a lot of the kits will match the aesthetic, particularly the Deathrattle Skeletons. Looks like a new Deadwalker Zombie kit that I will absolutely steal for Poxwalkers. Whilst I don’t plan on getting any, the Bloodknights and Felbats also look damned cool. The spikey and angular armour of the former reminds me a lot of the Drukhari. I mean, I say I don’t plan on getting them but I’m sure that will change once I get Cursed City and want to expand on the bad guys' range of models. 

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Warhammer Underworlds Direchasm

Kainan’s Reapers warband have come to the Beastgrave to collect some bones. Some very cool looking sculpts, I can’t say that I’ve been particularly tempted by the Bonerippers but I might have to start getting into Warhammer Underworlds. I would certainly pick up a warband or two that looks like they would be fun to paint. I’d probably get the Nurgle one if I’m honest, I think they’re called the Wurmspat. In fact, I think I still have Beastgrave lying around unopened that I gave to my wife for her birthday, maybe I will have to crack that out at some point. 

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House of Faith. An offshoot of House Cawdor, religious zealots with a penchant for pyromania. Given that House Cawdor are the religious nutjobs of Necromunda already then these guys must be pretty hardcore. For one, they like to strap a flamer to various weapons, including onto a two-handed chainsaw. I can see these guys looking fairly at home in a Sisters of Battle army, or a particularly religious Imperial Guard regiment as a replacement Commissar perhaps. 

Hive War. New starter set for Necromunda. A game board, some terrain and two gangs: Escher and Delaque. Plus rules, dice and templates for playing games of Necromunda. Fairly tempting to be honest, been tempted to get into Necromunda because the models look amazing. Not sure what gang I would collect. Goliath perhaps, they seem like they would be fun to paint. 

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Warhammer 40,000

Adeptus Mechanicus are up for a new codex and a new model in the form of the Skitarii Marshal, a leader that buffs nearby troops. I have been tempted to pick some Adeptus Mechanicus because I quite like their slight steampunk vibe. But there’s so many other things I want to collect, not to mention all the boardgame miniatures I still need to paint.

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Sisters of Battle getting a main battle tank called a Castigator. Seems Games Workshop needed to do something with all those excess Predators now that Primaris Space Marines have their own hover tanks. The main gun can be swapped out for twin-linked autocannons for mulching infantry. The more I think about it, the more I think that Sisters of Battle will be the next army I collect once I’m done with Death Guard. At the moment I just have the Sister Tariana Polos model, which I pretty much used as a test model for my Order of the Divine Storm. 

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Orks look like they're getting some low-tech models like a Beast Snagga who rides a Squig-hound. Beast Snagga’s like to hunt the biggest and baddest things in the galaxy, mostly for funsies. Probably not feral Orks, otherwise how would they travel from place to place? But it seems like they don’t want to rely on technology for fighting. 

Final Thoughts

I’d better get painting! These upcoming releases look really good and it seems like Cursed City is about to drop very soon, which is a day one pick up for me. I’m always toying with what to collect next and it changes moment to moment, but these previews are definitely driving me towards Warhammer Underworlds and Sisters of Battle. The sculpts of the former are fantastic and I’m loving the gothic aesthetic of the current Sisters. Plus, with their new tank it seems like they’re getting the firstborn Space Marine’s old toys. And I can get behind that. First things first though, I need to get my Death Guard complete, which shouldn’t take too long.