Village Attacks - Greed and Fury

With the news that Village Attacks would once again be coming to Kickstarter in the near future it has spurred me to get the existing models painted up. So with that in mind I pulled out a couple more expansions to work on beginning with the Germanic themed Greed and Fury. 

As with previous expansions I cleaned up any mould lines before giving everything a coat of Colour Forge Standard Grey primer. To prevent paint from beading up and otherwise failing to adhere to the model, a persistent issue that I have had with Village Attacks models, I gave each of the models a coat of AK Interactive Ultra Matt Varnish. For the Celt and Shield Maiden I painted the skin with Two Thin Coat Dwarven Skin, tidying up with Two Thin Coats Dungeon Stone. 


Whilst Draugr are, in a sense, zombies they are also much more than that. Unlike the mindless shamblers Draugr have greatly increased strength and some even have magical abilities like shapeshifting. 

I’ve painted a few undead in my time so I eagerly got stuck into painting the Draugr starting with painting the skin with Army Painter Speedpaint Malignant Green. Double convenient as the Draugr is a green (undead) type monster. To contrast the skin I painted the guts with Army Painter Speedpaint Purple Swarm. The rags of hair meanwhile I picked out with Black Templar. I wasn’t sure what the Draugr was holding in their hands, the artwork isn’t if it’s clumps of fur or dark smoke. I decided to go in a different direction, paint whatever they are with Warp Lightning so that they looked like magical fire. 

For the clothing I painted his fur cloak with Garaghak’s Sewer, the rich colour contrasting with the cold skin. The belt I painted with my usual colour for leather: Gore Grunta Fur. The skirt and wraps on the foot I painted with Snakebite Leather, a nice dirty yellow colour. The chain around the waist I painted with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver, while the studs on the belt I painted with Scale75 Thrash Metal. Broadsword Silver flows a little too well for painting the rounded studs. 

For the base I first basecoated it with Two Thin Coats Scorched Earth so that any gaps in the subsequent texture paste would look like dirt rather than bare plastic. I then stuck down some Army Painter Scorched Tufts, I wasn’t specifically looking for the burnt look more something deadened by winter. I then piled some Valhallan Blizzard texture paint around the tufts, where snow build up would be heaviest. Once that was dry I then thinned Valhallan Blizzard with PVA glue and used that on the remainder of the base. The PVA glue makes the snow look more like slush and shows a bit of the Scorched Earth undercoat, thus making it more visually interesting than just a pure white snow base. 

Red Cap

Despite being armed with a pike, the Red Cap will throw stones at anyone foolish enough to wander into its lair. They then soak their cap in their victim’s blood, giving it that red colour. And despite their short stature a Red Cap cannot be defeated by strength of arms, rather one must read Bible verses or wave a crucifix at them to drive a Red Cap away. 

For the model itself I started by giving the skin a coat of Army Painter Speedpaint Runic Grey. I’d previously used Guilliman Flesh for monster skin but the blue-grey of Runic Grey would nicely contrast with the warm and red tones I was going to use for the rest of the model. 

Speaking of which I painted the cap with Blood Angels Red and the skirt with Army Painter Speedpaint Burnished Red. As usual for leather I painted the boots and pouch with Gore Grunta Fur. Lastly for the warm colours I painted the axe shaft with Wyldwood. 

For the remaining details I painted the beard with Black Templar and any silver details such as the axe head with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver.  

Moving onto the base, like the Draugr, I started by giving it an undercoat of Two Thin Coats Scorched Earth. I then covered the base with PVA glue and sprinkled on some Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready Patchy Plains. Once the glue was dry I then sealed everything down with some Geek Gaming Scenics Matt Sealant spray. 

Shield Maiden

First things first I gave the skin a wash with Reikland Fleshshade. The zenithal highlight had already shaded the Two Thin Coats Dwarven Skin so the hard work had already been done, the wash was just the icing on top. 

Being the counterpart to the Draugr the Shield Maiden is also green (undead) type so with that in mind I painted their top with Militarum Green and their trousers with Creed Camo. Like the Draugr I then also moved onto the warmer tones painting the axe shaft with Wyldwood, any leather such as the belt and boots with Gore-Grunta Fur, and her hair with Army Painter Speedpaint Burnished Red. The wraps on the axe shaft I painted with Snakebite Leather, the dirty-yellow colour providing a nice contrast to the browns and greens around it. For the metal details I painted the axe head and shield rim with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver.

Lastly, I painted the base in the same way that I did for the Draugr.


Like the Shield Maiden the Celt seemed to be a pretty easy model to paint, he’s mostly bare skin and leather straps. Like the Shield Maiden I therefore started by giving the skin a wash of Reikland Fleshshade. To tie him in with the Red Cap I painted his trousers with Blood Angels Red. 

For the various bits of leather, I painted his belt with Gore-Grunta Fur and the straps and pouches across his torso with Snakebite Leather. For the fur pelts on his belt and back I painted them with Army Painter Speedpaint Burnished Red. The giant wooden club meanwhile I painted with Wyldwood. I then painted the belt buckle with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver and like the Draugr I picked out the studs on the belt with Scale75 Thrash Metal. 

The base I then did the same way that I did for the Red Cap.


Zombicide Invader - Kabuki Gang


Age of Sigmar - The Exiled Dead