Massive Darkness - Silence and Sarah

Once I had completed the Werewolf and Living Construct, it occurred to me that I didn’t have many Massive Darkness miniatures left to paint. In fact I had just two, the heroes Silence and Sarah. Either myself or my wife had clearly started painting them at some point as both had been undercoated with Wraithbone spray.

In fact, Silence’s cloak had been given a few coats of what I assume is Vallejo Night Blue and his face given a coat of Guilliman Flesh contrast paint. So with the largest area of the model already done, I decided to start with him. To contrast the dark cloak I painted the inside lining of it with Two Thin Coats Runic Purple. His undersuit I painted with Mechanicus Standard Grey, his boots with Corvus Black and the leather belt and pouches I painted with the usual Mournfang Brown. His dagger I painted with a couple thin coats of Leadbelcher. With that done I washed everything but his face with Nuln Oil. 

For Sarah, I decided to take advantage of the fact that she had been primed with Wraitbone and gave her armour a coat of Apothecary White. The flat areas of the armour I then layered with Ulthuan Grey to give it that clean white look that she has in the artwork. In hindsight, this was not the best idea as I would then have to paint around the armour and I didn’t have any Wraithbone anymore if I made a mistake. In any case I pressed on and painted her skirt with a few thin coats of Macragge Blue, her face with Cadian Fleshtone, the leather pouches with my ubiquitous Mournfang Brown and the sword and shield with Leadbelcher. I then used Scale75 Dwarven Gold to pick out some detailing on her armour and the shield. Then I gave each of these areas except the face and armour a wash with Nuln Oil. 

For the bases, I kept things simple by slapping down some Stirland Mud, washing it with Army Painter Strong Tone and finally drybrushing with Tyrant Skull. I painted the rims of the bases with black and I was done. 

Another short and sweet article, but then these Massive Darkness miniatures really aren’t all that complex to paint. Maybe I was just rushing to complete them because with Sarah and Silence done I was completely finished painting Massive Darkness. Which I have to say, I am really pleased about. I suppose that means I should probably make a start on Massive Darkness 2…

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 588

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 178


Age of Sigmar - Putrid Blightkings painting


Massive Darkness - Werewolf and Living Construct