Frosthaven - Blinkblade

The Quatryl Blinkblade is all about time manipulation. On their turn they can either act Slow gaining a Time Token, or act Fast which uses a Time Token. As Fast actions tend to be more powerful than slow ones, the key to the character is managing your Time Tokens to unleash a devastating turn at just the right moment. 

Alas this article is not a player guide, so let us jump right into painting. I started by painting the small area of skin showing on the model with Vallejo Khaki. The hood and tassels around the waist I painted with a few thin coats of Vallejo Night Blue. The armour/time-manipulation-suit I painted with Scale75 Black Metal. I then used some Scale75 Dwarven Gold to break up all the dark areas of the model. The daggers I painted with a couple of thin coats of Two Thin Coats Celestial Blue. I also used this colour on the “gems” on the backpack and hood, like they were a power source of some kind. I painted the leather belt and the rock columns with Corvus Black. Finally, to save myself some time I put some Stirland Mud texture paint on the base.  

The washes were equally simple: face and base were washed with Army Painter Strong Tone, everything else except the daggers were washed with Nuln Oil. As it’s such a small model, I didn’t do any layering and the only highlights I did were some Macragge Blue on the hood and tassels, and some Two Thin Coats Dungeon Stone on the rocks. I then drybrushed some Tyrant Skull on the base and stuck down a grass tuft. Finally, I mixed some Valhallan Blizzard with some PVA glue and then applied this to the recesses around the columns/rocks on the base. The PVA thins out the texture paint so that it looks like partially melted snow. I finished out the model by painting the rim of the base with Vallejo Night Blue.

In the end, a very simple model to paint. Took me no time at all when I knew what I wanted to do. 


Frosthaven - Geminate


Bandai - 1/72 scale X-Wing